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Multiple Use Pads (MUPs)

What is a One Time Pad other than a Vigenère cipher applied at a binary level? In this way one might consider OTPs as Vigenère 2.0. As Claude Shannon identified so long ago, OTPs represent perfect secrecy.

With some imagination, one might muse that there must be a way to reuse OTPs so that perfect secrecy is a practical reality. What would the characteristics of such a reusable OTP be?

  1. Probabilistic in nature.
  2. Each key would be large, but not necessarily larger than the message.
  3. Each key would be a different length.
  4. Semantic Security.
  5. Heuristically routed in unfathomable timelines for all computers, including Quantum Computers.
  6. Independant of factorization or prime numbers.
  7. Independant of mathematically unknown analysis (surprise back doors - such as may exists with ECC; curve selection isn't a factor)

Such a reusable OTP could well be considered Vigenère 3.0, however, I prefer to call them Multiple Use Pads (MUPs). The good news is that:

  1. MUPs are a reality - they exist and are practical (fast, reusable, unbreakable).
  2. It is easy to break a One Time Pad. Hence the "test" of a MUP is well known and easily verifiable. Use 'CORA-X lite' with a single MUP to encrypt 2 (or more) messages, and attempt to extract the MUP, and hence, break the encryption.

There is one more aspect to CORAcis's MUPs that begs to be known. They are a distributed solution resulting in another dimension to probabilities that are unfathomable (approach infinite). Each encrypted (CORAfied) file results in 2-40 "CORA blocs". Ideally one or two of these would be kept in the cloud, while the others would be in a corporate data centre, or for individuals, on a personal computer or USB drive.

Imagine the poor hacker who breaches a computer, or server, and is faced with the unrealistic task of trying to match up thousands, or billions of CORA blocs, not knowing which ones go together, or if some are floating in the cloud. Then the poor thief needs to try all of these combinations (2, 3, 4, ...40) with an unknown MUP. How many seconds are there in the age of our universe?

Perfect secrecy (encryption) is no longer an impractical exercise for first year students in information theory.

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