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Why is the RockFuel Process different from Underground Coal Gasification



1. Issues;

2. Traditional UCG;

3. RockFuel solution.


1. : The need for carbon neutral fuel before 2050.

2. Traditional UCG: while cleaner than most fossil fuels, it is far from carbon neutral.

3. RF solution: the RockFuel Process© is whole cycle carbon neutral and the resulting fuel has net zero carbon emissions. The outstanding point to be understood is just how “clean” the process is. An electric vehicle running on electricity from wind or solar source, is a highly carbon polluting machine in comparison to an ordinary internal combustion engine vehicle running on fuel produced by the RockFuel plant.


1. Issue: Underground fires.

2. Traditional UCG: has caused underground fires that take a long time to bring under control.

3. RF Solution: RF gasifies with carbon dioxide which is a fire extinguisher.


1. Issue: use of freshwater at a time of prevalence of world drought.

2. Traditional UCG : uses vast amounts of freshwater.

3. RF solution: RF does not use freshwater


1. Issue: polluted water from gasification seeps into underground environment and water table to cause pollution.

2. Traditional UCG: This has been a problem in one project in Australia, which has given UCG a bad press.

3. RF solution: RF does not use water and the resulting gas exits through the extraction well; and any trace gas is contained in goaf within the solid residue that now lines the former gasification chamber. Therefore, there is no pollution of the underground environment.



1. Issue: expensive additional plant.

2. Traditional UGC: requires expensive additional plant to remove CO2 out of the product gas.

3. RF solution: there is no need for this additional plant as the RF process is whole cycle carbon neutral.


1. Issue: expensive additional plant 2.

2. Traditional UGC: To be more environmentally friendly, expensive desalination plants are projected to be used to overcome the use of freshwater, as per the problem referred to above.

3. RF solution: the RF plant does not need water.


1. Issue: the particular problems of capturing atmospheric carbon dioxide (difficulty and expense).

2. Traditional UGC: the synfuel when combusted in engines, turbines or in the grid etc. results in emissions of carbon dioxide. These are not dealt with by the UCG plant which only removes CO2 from the fuel plant itself. This is a distinction; atmospheric carbon dioxide compared to only the CO2 taken out of the fuel. Thus, traditional UCG  is far from being environmentally friendly.

3. RF solution: the RF process inherently collects carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and CO2 does not need to be taken out of the fuel for the process to be whole cycle carbon neutral.


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