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Vision: KATLAS can support a new vision for healthcare -- where patients are no longer just customers but members of a club with open global membership where useful information is discreetly shared in a 2-way exchange of value.

Problem: Population is ageing and there GPs are averaging 3 days a week (down from 4), despite new figures that show just one doctor for every 2,200 patients, due to a shortfall of 50,000 doctors according to Head of the BMI.

Need: The next generation of healthcare is expected to include a greater degree of computer assisted diagnostics and care evaluation. The gateway and pathways to navigate health delivery is likely to be through certified avatars running prescribed questionnaires with gamified rewards in a virtual WEB 3.0 experience – ‘The Medaverse’.

Ethically safe and secure plumbing for gathering and storing Electronic Health Records (EHR) is immature.


Work already done: KATLAS has developed a decentralised health care system (suite of applications), disruptive and innovative technology running on, but not exclusively, the KATLAS Blockchain-in-a-box (BIAB). BIAB, TRL4 readiness brings together technologies (AI, digital and advanced computing, cryptographic controls, and DLT) to accelerate the government's ambition for UK, by focusing on digital health and social care programmes.

The patient journey (MVP): A specialist cardiovascular clinic in Barcelona, wished to further explore and develop their AI/ML engine for assisted diagnosis. They needed to show an ethically safe and secure AI-lifecycle, see ‘Creating an international approach to AI for healthcare’ (Global Digital Health Partnership/NHSx, Kassandra Karpathis). In response, KATLAS created @R2R (role-to-role) protocols operated through a patient wallet hosted on DLT that shows in sequence a patient interaction with a GP, an interaction with an AI device, an interaction with a specialist and an interaction with a pharmacy. This work has proven the functionality and scalability of KATLAS Health for multiple use cases in health and associated supply chains.

Our platform potential:  embraces quantum algorithms, using privacy-preserving technology such as cryptography to advance the state of the art in the field of Computational Integrity (CI). CI is important for privacy because it opens an alternative way of conducting a trade where negotiations are supported by trust-building processes, such as Zero-Knowledge proofs designed to give guarantees while hiding the details.

KATLAS intend to focus on how we tackle the wider challenges of reducing health inequalities, developing easy to use digital app along the same lines as the NHS App that is available to 40 million customers today, this is the ambition we have, to build resilience capability with security by design, utilising new innovative technology to improve outcomes and experience for patients, supporting care workers, and healthcare professional.

To be done: It is now necessary to engage with stakeholders to explore business use cases and inform the user journey, to ensure the app can operate on all devices (not just android), and design the front-end UX/UI and supporting protocols to readily create questionnaires, improve the storage logic, navigational aids, and simplicity of plug-in tools.

Why R&D collaboration?: Our platform aligns with the project goals of collaboration with entrepreneurial enterprises, medical/healthcare specialists and start-ups to include the shaping of a self-driven de-centralised healthcare wellbeing incubator/platform to catalyse further innovation on the path to commercial success and respond to changing market conditions and government policy.

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