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How Robert Simpson of RDS Innovations is Revolutionizing Home Security and Supporting Victims of Crime

What GBEA say. Robert Simpson founded R.D.S Innovations Limited in 2000 with the vision of developing innovative door security devices. After watching a police drama depicting a home invasion burglary, Robert realized the increasing threat of residential burglary and was inspired to find a solution.

R.D.S Innovations created these door alarms that are installed with a forensic marking deployment capability that deters potential intruders. When triggered, the alarm sounds and sprays the intruder with a totally non-toxic UV-based forensic marking fluid that stains clothes and skin for weeks. This allows police to identify an offender with UV light source and after analysis the ability to link criminals back to their crime scenes, anywhere in the world. And with a 100% non-activation of any of those installed serving Police Officers have recommended its crime reduction capabilities.

Working closely with police throughout the UK, R.D.S Innovations has installed these forensic door alarms into the homes of domestic violence and honour-based violence victims, as well as residential burglary victims. This has provided victims with peace of mind and reduced their fear of future unlawful entry. For their impact, R.D.S Innovations was nominated as a finalist for the Great British Entrepreneur Awards innovation category.

Looking to the future, Robert hopes to establish a licensing agreement with a large security products manufacturer who can realize the potential of forensic-based devices on a global scale. R.D.S Innovations is proving how innovation and social responsibility can be combined to create a sustainable business model.

As finalists in the Great British Entrepreneur Awards 2023, Robert Simpson of R.D.S Innovations has demonstrated the determination and vision required of world-class entrepreneurs. To learn more about how they are revolutionizing home security and supporting victims of crime, visit

#forensicalarms #security #DNA #crimeprevention #domesticviolence #police #homesecurity

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