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How, four years ago, we gained an important customer on the day we tested the first prototype (MVP) of our long-range motion-sensor, the K2150.

The testing took place in the warehouse complex of about 100,000 square meters belonging to the Protek company, which controls 30% of the wholesale pharmaceutical market in the Russian Federation. Protek’s commitment to innovation has won it considerable renown among Russian engineers and designers: the company’s chief engineering specialists are always ready to trial new equipment if they believe it can optimize their internal processes.

Our K2150 presence detector was installed in one of the aisles between the racks of the warehouse at a height of about 18m to provide presence-controlled smart lighting. The length of the aisle being monitored by the sensor was 84m.

At this point, any expert representatives of the world’s leading motion-sensor manufacturers who are reading this post will no doubt be shaking their heads and muttering “Impossible!”. 

We heard the same thing from the Protek engineers before the trial. They had considerable experience in operating similar products from Europe, which had clearly left much to be desired.

And so the testing began. One of the specialists took a step into the aisle, and the lights there came on! He took a few steps back and, after pausing a moment to let the lights turn back off, entered the aisle once again. Again, the lights came on. “Impossible! Perhaps you’ve got at employee hidden away behind the shelves somewhere and turning the lights on remotely?,” he said. The test was repeated four times and each time the lighting promptly switched on.

As a result, a month later, a tender was announced for lighting control in 30 aisles of the complex, all 84m long. Our competitors offered to install 120 German-built sensors and lay 17km of cable. Our installation partner offered to do the job with just 30 K2150 sensors and 3km of cable.

It should also be mentioned here that the products of other companies can function properly only when installed at heights of 12m or less, and the installation height in this warehouse was 18m. As such, our competitor’s tender offered to set up new scaffolding structures to lower the sensors – though they would still stand at least 14m from the ground. This made their proposal even less competitive, as these structures could be damaged by workers during warehouse operations.

Naturally, we won this tender, and the K2150 is the only motion-sensor currently being purchased by Protek.

Video 1

Detection of humans - K2150 motion sensor test in the warehouse (360 degree video)

Video 2:

 Detection of vehicles - K2150 motion sensor test in the warehouse

K2150 Promo Video:

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