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Axial Seamount is an undersea volcano located 470 kilometers off the coast of Oregon, and is showing signs of impending activity

The volcano, named Axial Seamount, exhibits all signs of impending activity. Standing at 1,100 meters tall with a diameter of 2km, this submarine volcano is located 1,400m beneath sea level. Over the past ten years, various devices have been tracking every rumble, shake, swell, and tilt from the volcano in real time via a seafloor cable.Geologist Mark Zumberge, from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, has labeled the volcano as "the most well-instrumented submarine volcano on the planet.  

In November, Axial's surface swelled to the same height as before its last eruption in 2015, indicating that magma had accumulated underground and pressure within the volcano was building. Similar swelling in 2015 allowed researchers at Oregon State University to predict that year's eruption, which they hailed as "our best forecasting success".

The Axial volcano, deemed a "very promising volcano" by Roma Tre University's volcanologist Valerio Acocella, is under close scrutiny as researchers utilize artificial intelligence to analyze pre-2015 eruption earthquake recordings in search of predictive patterns. "There's no crystal ball," admits Acocella, acknowledging the inherent unpredictability of volcanic behavior.

The Take Cover Company recognizes the value of early warning systems and drone surveillance and the importance of not panicking the general public. We also recognize the hallmarks of the 2011 tsunami.  How do we prepare the entire West Coast of the United States?

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