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Dementia-fighting Activities For Tech-Savvy Seniors

Sally Perkins , Freelance Writer and Content Manager
04 Sep, 2017
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Sally Perkins, Freelance Writer and Content Manager.

‘Dementia’: a seemingly short word with the power to instill fear amongst many. It is estimated that as many as 5 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias of which 360 000 reside in Texas.   Studies conducted amongst senior over the years have concluded that, apart from cancer, dementia is the most feared condition by adults over the age of 55.  Although there are many causes attributed to the illness, untreated hearing loss can significantly contribute towards an increased risk of dementia with sensory strain and shared pathways being significant risk factors. Simple hearing screens can pinpoint any problems which can then receive the necessary treatment, eradicating unpleasant symptoms and preventing future complications.

There are a number of pharmaceuticals and therapies available that may also help manage the symptoms of dementia. Dementia-fighting activities such as exercise and healthy eating go a long way to help prevent the onset of the disease and in this age of technology switching on a cellular phone could prove beneficial as well. There are many games and application available for download onto a smartphone that offer challenging, fun and completely portable activities to keep your brain in tip-top shape.

Smartphone apps to help train your brain


Lumosity offers the player an continually-expanding group of scientific and cognitively challenging games that are designed to stimulate your brain and improve your memory on a daily basis. Used by more than 60 million people globally, Lumosity is by far one of the most popular brain-training games available and is available free from Google Play and iOS App Store.


This brain-training game is specifically designed for individuals already suffering from Alzheimer’s. It is more than a game in that it offers social, dietary and medical tools all within the easy-to-use interface. Clevermind is available at a nominal once-off fee from the iOS  App Store.

Cognifit Brain Fitness

Available for free from the iTunes Store, this game gives players access to a host of cleverly-designed, fun games designed by neuroscientists. As a Cognifit user you can track your progress as well as start off with an assessment of your cognitive skills.  If you have a competitive nature you can even challenge your friends which provide you with added social interaction – another brilliant dementia fighter.

Fit Brains Trainer

Fit Brains Trainer serves as a memory and focus enhancer and helps you improve the speed at which your brain fires through a selection of 360 puzzles and games. The application is designed to increase in difficulty as you get better at it, constantly challenging your brain. Fit Brain Trainer is available free of charge on Google Play and from the iOS App Store.

Dementia is never easy to deal with, not as a patient and not as  caretaker for someone suffering from it. Few things in life are more harrowing than than battling mental degeneration. Patience, kindness and understanding, coupled with medical technology, can go a long way to improving the quality of life for all parties concerned.  

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