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Now is the time when we need to explore and set th emost useful strategies towards cultivating the most useful psychological resources to survive and thrive through extreme and chaotic times. Explore with us why and how this is possible.

It’s been a tough year for everyone since the COVID-19 crisis began. Some organisations are adapting and holding their own using this time to repurpose, reinvent, and consolidate. Some have been hit very, very hard. Most leaders are struggling with the extreme uncertainty existing within their operating environments, and are seeking to prepare and manage for what might come next. At the same time, they are seeking how to keep their people and teams engaged and moving forward in a world, where the work environment and the nature of work is going through unprecedented change, and the only way to navigate it is by effectively dancing at the edge of your comfort zone.

It seems that we need to explore and set the most useful strategies towards cultivating the most resourceful psychological and neurological resources to survive and thrive through extreme uncertainty and chaotic times.

Explore with us why and how it is possible, as well as rewarding to do this, by hitting our pause buttons to reconnect, rethink, reimagine and reframe your possibilities in our blog DANCING ON THE EDGE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE | imaginenation

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