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Delivering Carbon Solutions to reduce your emissions and costs. Reducing your carbon emissions and costs at the same time

Auditel are The Cost, Procurement & Carbon Solutions Company who help organisations like yours to reduce their carbon emissions and costs at the same time.

We help our clients on their journey towards Net Zero by simplifying the process. We begin with a couple of easy steps, which could lead you to be verified as Carbon Neutral within 12 months, to an intentionally recognised standard.

Using our procurement expertise, we make sure any action taken to improve your environmental credentials have a strong and potentially self-funding business case, because we truly believe that being Carbon Neutral doesn’t need to cost the Earth.

With the UK Government’s commitment to a low carbon world, the drive to carbon neutrality and achieving net zero is dominating organisations’ future decision making. However, many organisations believe the changes that they will have to make to achieve net zero will be time-consuming, costly and with all the conflicting information, a little daunting. This is far from the truth, as there are many incentives to help businesses become greener and leaner without costing the earth.

Using Auditel’s simple 4 step process, we can help your organisation demystify and provide clarity to this complex subject of achieving net zero. We deliver expert guidance and resources so you can achieve a British Standards Institution (BSI) recognised specification for carbon neutrality as soon as possible, while you progress on the longer-term net zero journey.

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